When researching THE SECRET LIFE OF ANNA BLANC, I read dozens of books written in the early 1900s to learn everything I could about the life of a debutante, a police matron, and the Los Angeles Police Department. I read everything from the coroner's manual they would have used, to books on manners and hygiene, to court transcripts, to cookbooks, to detective fiction that Anna herself would have read.
It's how I got into my characters' heads.
I'm going to share a few favorites with you.
Get the books that inspired the Anna Blanc Mystery Series and other fun items including:
The first chapter of THE SECRET LIFE OF ANNA BLANC
The hilarious 1916 novel, BAB A SUB-DEB
A picture of two naked ladies riding a giant snail.
The 1920's lady's GUIDE TO MEN
The mystery classic THE RED THUMB MARK
The coming of age masterpiece SEVENTEEN
The Edwardian marriage manual, WHAT A YOUNG WIFE OUGHT TO KNOW
New books from time to time to add to your collection.
Also, you get the first two chapters of the Anna Blanc sequel, tentatively titled, THE SECRET DEATH OF ELIZABETH BONSOR, before the words are set in stone.
I think you'll love this walk in Anna Blanc's shoes.