Alas, I was sick the evening they were handing these out, so I didn't get to pose with my awesome fellow nominees for Best Historical Mystery Novel (Bruce Alexander Memorial).
Rhys Bowen, Malice at the Palace (Berkley Prime Crime)
Susanna Calkins, The Masque of a Murderer (Minotaur Books)
Heather Haven, The Chocolate Kiss-Off (Wives of Bath Press)
Jennifer Kincheloe, The Secret Life of Anna Blanc (Seventh Street Books)
Laurie R. King, Dreaming Spies (Bantam Books)
Susan Elia MacNeal, Mrs. Roosevelt's Confidante (Bantam Books)
The award went to New York Times Bestselling Author, Rhys Bowen, for her wonderful book Malice at the Palace.
Congratulations Rhys!