Portnoy B, Craddox S, Kincheloe J, et. al. “Independent State Health Surveys: Responding to the Need for Local Population Health Data.” Journal of public health management and practice 20(5):E21-33 (Sep/Oct 2014)
Brown ER, Kincheloe J, Breen N, Olson JL, Portnoy B, Lee SJ. “States' use of local population health data: comparing the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and independent state health surveys.” Journal of public health management and practice 19(5):444-50 (Sep/Oct 2013)
Kincheloe, J. The State of Health Insurance in California. Findings from the 2007 California Health Interview Survey. Chapter on Children’s Health Insurance. Spring 2009. UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. Los Angeles. http://www.healthpolicy.ucla.edu
Call KT, Davidson G, Davern M, Brown ER, Kincheloe J, Nelson J.“Accuracy in Self-Reported Health Insurance Coverage among Medicaid Enrollees.” Inquiry 45 (Winter 2008/2009).
Kincheloe J, Frates J., Brown ER. “Determinants of children's participation in California's Medicaid and SCHIP programs.” Health Services Research. 42 (2):847-66. (2007)
Kincheloe J, Brown ER. “Medicaid Outstationing in California: Best Practices and Barriers to Enrollment.” A report to the California Program on Access to Care. Decemer 2007.
Kincheloe J, Reynolds R, Bontrager J, Hanes P. “Impact of the federal 2005 Deficit Reduction Act on Colorado Medicaid Enrollment: Findings from the Eligibility Technician Survey.” Colorado Health Institute, Denver, CO, May, 2007. http://www.coloradohealthinstitute.org/resourcePublications/publications.aspx
Kincheloe J, Reynolds R, Bontrager J, Hanes P. “Impact of the federal 2005 Deficit Reduction Act on Colorado Medicaid Enrollment: Findings from the Outreach and Enrollment Worker Survey.” Colorado Health Institute, Denver, CO, May 2007. http://www.coloradohealthinstitute.org/resourcePublications/publications.aspx
Kincheloe J, Brown ER, Frates J, Call KT, Yen W, Watkins J. “Can We Trust Population Surveys to Count Medicaid Enrollees and the Uninsured?” Health Affairs 25 (4):1163 – 1167. (2006).
Kincheloe J, Brown ER. “Self-Reporting of Health Insurance Status in the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) by Adult Medi-Cal Enrollees” A report to Sandra Shewry, Director of the California Department of Health Services. UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. June 15, 2006.
K.T. Call, G. Davidson, A. Hall, J. Kincheloe, L.A. Blewett, and E.R. Brown. July 2006b. “Administrative Data Case Study Report: Sources of Discrepancy between Survey-based estimates of Medicaid Coverage and State Administrative Counts.” Final report prepared for Health Care Financing & Organization (HCFO). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, State Health Access Data Assistance Center.
Kincheloe J, Iverson E, Kipke M, Stevens G, Cousineau M. Measuring the Impact of Health Insurance Expansions on Children’s Health, Access to Health Care and Quality of Care in California. A report to the California Endowment.
Kincheloe J, Hegamin A, Hochgesang M, Chen A, Kipke M, Iverson E. First 5 LA’s Child Health Indicators Project. A report to First 5 Los Angeles.
Kincheloe, J, Brown, ER, Who Signs Up? Family Participation in Medi-Cal and Healthy Families. UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Policy Report, November 2005.
Brown ER, Lavarreda SA, Rice R, Kincheloe J, Gatchell M. The State of Health insurance in California. Findings from the 2003 California Health Interview Survey. UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, August 2005.
Kominski, G, Roby D, Kincheloe J, Cost of Insuring California’s Uninsured. UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Policy Report, May 2005.
Frates J, Kincheloe J, Brown ER, The “Spillover Effect” of County Child Health Insurance Expansion Initiatives on Publicly Funded Program Enrollment. California Program on Access to Care.
Kincheloe, Brown ER, The Effect of County Outreach Environments on Family Participation in Medi-Cal and Healthy Families. California Program on Access to Care.
Brown ER, Luck J, Kincheloe J, Yen W, Lavarreda S, “Medi-Cal and the Healthy Families Program,” in Brown ER, et al., The State of Health Insurance in California: Findings from the 2001 California Health Interview Survey. UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Policy Report, June 2002.
Brown ER, Kincheloe J, Yu H, Policy Brief: Health Insurance Coverage of Californians Improved in 1999 — But 6.8 Million Remained Uninsured, Los Angeles: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, February 2001.
Kincheloe J, Brown ER, Yu H, Simplifying and Expanding Health Insurance Programs for Low-Income Working Parents and Their Children. Report to the Assembly Health Committee. UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. May 2000.
Bearman D, Claydon K, Kincheloe J, "Breaking the Cycle of Dependency: Dual Diagnosis and AFDC Families," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. December 1997.